
Building your wealth

Do you want to ensure you are planning for the future, making the right financial decisions or reaching specific financial goals?

Financial planning is about dealing with life's financial issues and understanding your opportunities and options. It is about developing a financial strategy to meet your lifestyle needs today and your financial goals tomorrow.


Preparing for retirement

The bulk of your mortgage is repaid and the major expenses for the kids may now be over, but do you know how to structure your lifestyle and maximise your income and investments to prepare yourself for retirement?

At this stage in your life, retirement planning and wealth accumulation becomes a major focus.


Prepare for the unexpected

Wealth creation is the part of your financial plan that helps you build assets to meet your financial goals.

Your goals may include saving for your children's education, an overseas holiday, or a comfortable retirement.

Wealth preservation (risk insurance) helps you protect your ability to create this wealth. Your wealth creation plan will be based on the assumption you'll stay healthy and live to a certain age, but there may be unforeseen circumstances which can impact on your plans. Risk insurance may help you to continue meeting your financial goals if you lose your ability to work through illness or injury.


Taking care of the ones you love

Estate planning is not just about creating a will, it is also about the review, management and control of personal, family and business affairs while you are alive, and when you pass away.

It’s important this document is kept up to date, and be sure any changes to your situation (marriage, divorce, separation or otherwise) are accounted for, so those who matter most are taken care of.